Premium Replica of the original icon. The reproduction is being carried out with the most advanced printing technology, that gives a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics.
The icon of the Theotokos Yparchousa was painted in 1995, after the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to a little Muslim girl in Jerusalem. Her sorrowful face, her black clothes and her tears are a sign of the sorrows of this life, while the name of the icon is intended as a reminder that she truly is the Mother of God.
Premium Replica of the original icon, on natural linden wood. The wood surface has been prepared in heat and by the use of traditional materials (organic glue, gesso), that provide greater color durability over the years. The painting reproduction was carried out with the most advanced printing and production technology, giving a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics.
The icon of the Theotokos Yparchousa was painted in 1995, after the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to a little Muslim girl in Jerusalem. Under the guidance of the Mother of God, she was baptized an Orthodox Christian. The Theotokos told her the following: “I want you to paint an icon of me, where my face is sad, my garments are black and I am holding the first three fingers of my right hand together. The name of the icon should be “she who is” (yparchousa in Greek). In 2002, on the feast of the entrance of the Theotokos, the icon miraculously began to stream tears, and from that time it has had eyes full of tears. Her sorrowful face, her black clothes and her tears are a sign of the sorrows of this life, while the three fingers on her right hand represent the Holy Trinity. The name of the icon is intended as a reminder that she truly is the Mother of God. Work of the iconographic studio of the Brotherhood Ch.E.