Premium Replica of the original icon. The reproduction is being carried out with the most advanced printing technology, that gives a work of unique quality. Select between the 22K gold plated or the colored background and obtain a work of exceptional aesthetics.
Saint Nectarius was tonsured a monk at Nea Moni (New Monastery) of Chios. He was later made secretary and preacher of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. He was ordained Metropolitan of Pentapolis, and upon returning to Greece, he went as a preacher to Evoia, Fthiotida and Fokidas, as well as serving as director of the Rizareio Ecclesiastical School in Athens. His memory is honoured on the 9th of November.
Premium Replica of the original icon, on natural linden wood. The wood surface has been prepared in heat and by the use of traditional materials (organic glue, gesso), that provide greater color durability over the years. The painting reproduction was carried out with the most advanced printing and production technology, giving a work of unique quality. Select between the 22k gold plated or the colored background and obtain a work of exceptional aesthetics.
Saint Nectarius was born in 1846 AD in Selybria in Thrace. At the age of fourteen years old, he went to Constantinople, where he worked as an employee and later as warden at the school of the Metochion of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1876 AD, he was tonsured a monk at Nea Moni (New Monastery) of Chios and on January 15th, 1877 AD, he was ordained a deacon by Metropolitan Gregory and made secretary of the Metropolis. He went to Athens, where he studied Theology. Afterwards, Sophronius IV, Patriarch of Alexandria, ordained him to the priesthood and likewise made him secretary and preacher of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. He was also the patriarchal representative in Cairo. On January 15th, 1889 AD, he was ordained Metropolitan of Pentapolis. He returned to Greece, where he went as a preacher to Evoia, Fthiotida and Fokidas, he founded a women’s monastery in Aegina, which he was personally in charge of, since he chose to reside there in 1908 AD. He died in 1920 AD. His holiness was so great that God worked many miracles through him, both before and after his death. He was buried at the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Aegina. His memory is honoured on the 9th of November. Work of ARTIS GILDING & RESTORING.