Premium Replica of the original icon. The reproduction is being carried out with the most advanced printing technology, that gives a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics, gold plated with 22K gold leaves.
Saint Stephen was a deacon and the first martyr of the Christian Church. He devoted his life to preaching the word of the Gospel and charitable work. Because of his service and his many virtues, he was honoured with the grace of working miracles. He healed the sick and showed forth the power of Christ. His memory is honoured on the 27th of December.
Premium Replica of the original icon, on natural linden wood. The wood surface has been prepared in heat and by the use of traditional materials (organic glue, gesso), that provide greater color durability over the years. The painting reproduction was carried out with the most advanced printing and production technology, giving a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics, gold plated with 22K gold leaves.
Saint Stephen the First Martyr was a deacon and the first martyr of the Christian Church. He devoted his life to preaching the word of the Gospel and charitable work. Because of his service and his many virtues, he was honoured with the grace of working miracles. He healed the sick and showed forth the power of Christ. The Jews, however, in their prejudice, spread slander among the people, saying that they had heard Stephen blaspheming Moses and God. On this pretence, which they themselves had spread, they hatefully seized Stephen and lead him before the Sanhedrin, allegedly to defend himself. Stephen’s defence was the model of bravery and daring. While awaiting trial, he stood up against an angry auditor and prosecutor. Then, the Jews, overwhelmed by their hatred, dragged him outside the city, where they stoned him to death. His memory is honoured on the 27th of December. Work of ARTIS GILDING AND RESTORING.
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