Premium Replica of the original icon. The reproduction is being carried out with the most advanced printing technology, that gives a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics.
Saint Silouan the Athonite led a life of great asceticism for 46 years at the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon. In 1911 AD, he received the Great Schema. He was given many holy virtues and filled with holy light. His memory is honoured on the 24th of September.
Premium Replica of the original icon, on natural linden wood. The wood surface has been prepared in heat and by the use of traditional materials (organic glue, gesso), that provide greater color durability over the years. The painting reproduction was carried out with the most advanced printing and production technology, giving a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics.
Saint Silouan the Athonite was born in 1866 AD in the village of Sovsk of the Tambov Governorate in Imperial Russia. His name is in the world was Symeon Ivanovich Antonov. He went to Mount Athos in 1892 AD. He devoted himself completely to ascetical practice and prayer for 46 years at the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon. In 1911 AD, he received the Great Schema. He was given many holy virtues and filled with holy light. In 1915 AD he left Athos for a short time visit the monasteries of his homeland. He departed from this life on September 24th, 1938 AD. Work of the iconographic studio of the Brotherhood Ch.E.