Premium Replica of the original icon. The reproduction is being carried out with the most advanced printing technology, that gives a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics, gold plated with 22K gold leaves.
Saint Vitalis was tonsured a monk at the Monastery of Saint Phillip in Ancyra. He built a church on Mount Turri and founded a monastery in the Rapolla region. He reposed in peace in 994 AD. His memory is honoured on the 9th of March.
Premium Replica of the original icon, on natural linden wood. The wood surface has been prepared in heat and by the use of traditional materials (organic glue, gesso), that provide greater color durability over the years. The painting reproduction was carried out with the most advanced printing and production technology, giving a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics, gold plated with 22K gold leaves.
Saint Vitalis was born in the city of Castronovo, Sicily, during the 10th century AD. His parents were wealthy and pious Christians and took particular care for his upbringing and education. From a young age, he loved Christ and the monastic life, so when he came to the appropriate age, he left for the Monastery of Saint Phillip in Ancyra. There, he was tonsured a monk and received the angelic schema, living an intensely ascetical life. For fifteen years, he distinguished himself through his cultivation of the virtues. During these years, he went on pilgrimage to Rome, Calabria and many other holy places. Finally, he returned to Calabria and became an ascetic on Mount Liporacho. There he met an ascetic named Anthony and lived with him for a little while. Afterwards, the Saint travelled to Bari and, along with his nephew Elias, ended up at Mount Turri, where he built a church. Saint Vitalis ended his travels in the Rapolla region, where he built a monastery. He spent the rest of his life there in asceticism, gathering around him many monks. Saint Vitalis reposed in peace in 994 AD. His memory is honoured on the 9th of March. Work of ARTIS GILDING AND RESTORING.