Premium Replica of the original icon. The reproduction is being carried out with the most advanced printing technology, that gives a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics, gold plated with 22K gold leaves.
Saint Cyprian practiced the magical arts in Antioch. Eventually forced to accept that his art was bankrupt, he sought holy baptism and to become a priest. He brought a woman named Justa with him into the Church, whom he ordained as a deaconess and renamed Justina. Their memory is celebrated on the 2nd of October each year.
Premium Replica of the original icon, on natural linden wood. The wood surface has been prepared in heat and by the use of traditional materials (organic glue, gesso), that provide greater color durability over the years. The painting reproduction was carried out with the most advanced printing and production technology, giving a work of unique quality. Acquire an artwork of exceptional aesthetics, gold plated with 22K gold leaves.
Saint Cyprian was a wealthy nobleman and philosopher from Carthage in Libya. He lived during the reign of Decius (249 – 251 AD) and he practiced the magical arts in Antioch. A pagan by the name of Aglaidas fell in love with a Christian virgin named Justa. The girl did not reciprocate his feelings, and so he went to the famous wizard Cyprian for help. All of Cyprian’s magical tricks, however, proved useless to change the Christian girl’s mind. Forced to accept that his art was bankrupt, he sought holy baptism and to become a priest. He ascended all of the priestly ranks and was eventually elected Bishop of Carthage. He brought with him Justa, whom he ordained as a deaconess and renamed Justina. Because of his intense zeal for the Gospel, many committed acts of jealousy against him and slandered him to Decius. He was exiled from Antioch, imprisoned and later sent to Nicomedia, where Claudius had him and Justina beheaded. Their relics were transferred to Rome, where they buried them in the most important hill of the city. Their memory is celebrated on the 2nd of October each year. Work of ARTIS GILDING AND RESTORING.
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